Friday, January 1, 2021

Projects for 2021


So, what do I have planned for 2021?  A full slate of activities that's what.  Too much time to plan and organize for the new campaign season.  

Games:  I am looking forward to playing much more then painting for once in my life.  Perhaps two games a month would be reasonable.  If this dreaded covid passes and we get back to in person gaming I am all in and cannot wait.  What games am I planning?  Here they are!

*fight first and second trenton

* fight Princeton

*fight Pell's point

*fight Harlem heights

* fight Cowpens-Guilford Courthouse campaign

* fight Lundys lane

*fight game based on Stoney Creek

*fight game based on Chrysler farm

* do at least three Crimean war battles

* Break out and Play wings of war WW1 planes

Terrain: while I am mostly happy with my terrain I have a few improvements I want to work on.  

* More buildings so I can fight Trenton.  There are a number of the MDF type buildings that would work.

*Finish my hills and ridges.  Paint and flock them.

*Swampy terrain.  Need something for Francis Marion to ride out of!

*New farm fields.  Add crops and veggies in the field.  Perhaps fenced in wheat?

*Base trees for better woods.  I think woods look better with a few trees on bases.  I will still have a few individually mounted trees but I think groups on a base look better.

* More wooden fences.  Rail and post and beam types. You can never have too many feet of fencing!

*A winter game mat?

Painting:  One change is much less painting.  I am kinda burned out painting big battalions after last year.   I do have a couple of projects I would like to do; and a couple of special units.  

*Rev War add Provincial Iight infantry battalion, The Camden light infantry bn. (Made up from a company from the 16th Regiment, the  Prince of Wales American Regiment and the 71st light companies), 17th company (created from recruits and draft after the 17th regiment was captured st Stoney Point),  more militia ( always handy to have and could fight on either side) and south Carolina Continentals. Fife and Drum miniature will be releasing Brunswickers thus year for Saratoga and I might just have to add these as well as possible more British in Saratoga kit.

* Rebase my mounted command stands.  I would prefer b them to be on round bases much like my new artillery stands. 

Fun project that might start

* Hunting Moby Dick!  Doing figures and terrain for the Moby Dick whale hunt game!  Saw it at Cold Wars one year and have always wanted to do this game.  Eureka whale boats, dice movement whale, sharks!  Could be great fun! Anyone know where I can get the figure if the whale from? 

  Lastly, I am determined to get out and exercise and stay healthy.  I and Janine have been doing a lot of walking.  Usually  2 to 5 miles most days.  In the summer we had a beautiful lake we went to a couple times a week to kayak on.  We need to keep this up.  

  This time last year when we returned from Hawaii I was depressed looking at pictures of myself.  I have never been a light weight, more the line backer type.  But my weight was getting out of hand.  So I started Weight Watchers and changed my eating habits.  More fruits and veggies, cut down in carbs, drink lots of water.  I am happy to report I am still with the program and have lost over 70 pounds.  I am feeling much better and goung to continue this through the new year.


  1. I like the look of your project plans for 2021, Mark! Congratulations on the exercise and weight loss. Hunting Moby Dick will be fun to see. for years, I have been tempted by Eureka's whaling models.

    1. Thank you very much for the very kind words. I think it will be interesting following true progress of my projects this year.

  2. Most beautiful and impressive pictures Mark...and Moby Dick is gorgeous!

  3. That sounds like some exciting planning Mark....
    Of course by showing pictures of your War of 1812 collection...that has put them back on the list of things to do... Hurrah! 😁
    Moby Dick looks like a lot of fun...

    All the best. Aly

    1. I have neglected the War of 1812 and will be correcting that this year.

  4. Glad to hear your new health routine is paying dividends. The problem with our modern life-styles is many of us have extremely sedentary lives and this hobby of ours is bad for that. I can sit at my table for days which is great feed for the soul but no use for the body. I too am a larger frame and funnily enough played Defensive End about 14 years back for a couple of seasons. Being middle aged now I have the ability to stack it on quite easily if I'm not careful. Balancing your hobby and your health seems like a good plan. Looking forward to your new projects and postings - looks like a couple of BATREPs are in the winds.

    1. Yes,lots of interesting battle reports for the upcoming year.

      And thank you for the kind words about health and exercise. I appreciate your feed back very much!

  5. A nice project plan Mark but I suspect we will see some scope creep on the painting side of things - I bet you end up painting more than currently intended! Will be great to see more of your 1812 and Crimean collections in action

    1. Yes, I have neglected my other collections in my enthusiasm for the Rev War. And you are right about scale creep in any project.

  6. Best wishes with all your endeavours Mark

  7. I’ve been depressed by pictures of myself since I was 12. At least I was thin then. I must confess an interest in the 1812 games. I had my eyes opened to this when Foundry released their range in the 90s (and I think it was Aly above who made them). It’s always the poor relation to games involving Frenchmen, but it’s another one of those ‘perfect size for wargaming’ periods that should have more attention.

    1. I think the War of 1812 in north America is one of those forgotten conflicts that are too perfect for the table top. And yes you will be seeing more of the collection this year.

  8. Weight watchers is the way to go. My wife goes to meetings and I follow her regimen. She complains she goes to meetings and I lose weight.

    Keep it up, stay healthy.

  9. My AWI list includes both Saratoga battles, Oriskeny, Eutaw Springs, Princeton and Germantown. I will have a lot of British Saratoga figures to paint, and later in the year, Brunswickers.

    1. Ah! I had forgotten Eutaw Springs! Will have go add it to my lists.

      And figure out a way to buy those Brunswickers when they come out! One of my favorite armies in a number if time periods. Back in the late 1970's participated in a living history program at Saratoga NHP as a Brunswick officer and I will have to fund my pictures.
