Both sides attempted to rally shaken and routed units. The 1st US Rifles had had enough and in spite of General Brown yelling encouragement ran for the hills. On the other hand the Canadian militia and GLI both rallied and joined the fight.
In the woods the 11th US Infantry charged after the Mohawks. Although the Canadian militia came to their help the Mohawks had enough for the day and left the field.
All along the line both sides threw in their final troops and blasted away at each other. Over head the rockets continued to burst spectacularly but without causing g any damage to either side!
Morrison felt the time had come for desperate measures. Ordering the GLI to step aside, the tiny 19th Light Dragoons charged forward against the 1st US regiment. Off to the side the combined Flank Companies joined in against the 21st US. In the fight the 1st US easily defeated the 19th who then routed off the table. But the Flank companies beat the 21st US who then failed their morale and routed! The 1st US seeing this also tested morale and were shaken.
In the center the 100th Regiment charged the 9th US, who failed their morale test and retreated!
Could the tide be changing?
Alas! A little too little and too late. At the cross road General Scott threw in his battalions to break the center. The 9th US charged the 89th Regiment while the 11th US and 25th US charged the 100rd Regiment. In the woods the 22nd US advanced steadily and traded cookies with the Canadian Militia. Although the 89th stood firm and defeated the 9th US the 100rd gave way and routed opening that side.
On the other side Ripley threw the 1st US against the GLI who were worn down from their long fighting earlier. They we're defeated and retreated back. At the sane time the 23rd US and 5th US overwhelmed the 1st Regiment. To contain the Flank companies Ripley moved up the Light Dragoons and the 21st US.
With everything collapsing arround them the British commander ordered a retreat. It had been a gallant defense but it was now time to try and save something.
As you have guessed the battle was a scaled down version of the Battle of Quatre Bras. As a game I think it worked out pretty good. But I would give the British/Canadian side an extra battalion for the set-up and increase the Mohawks to 24 figures rather then twelve figures. I think this might evan it out better and give them a better chance for winning.
The rules, an adaptation of Jim Purky's Rev War rules worked well. They provided a fun and fast game and I would highly recommend them.
One thing I noticed over the pictures was how bad the dice I used to mark casualties looked. These were replaced by smaller markers with stones and grass which blended in better but still did the job.