Thursday, March 3, 2022

A Visit with Mr. Ed of Ed M's Wargames Meanderings


  On Monday I drove up north to the "Live Free or Die" state to visit with Ed and play in one of his games.  If you have been following his blog you know he is experimenting with using Kriegsspiel maps and blocks but using the rules "Bloody Big Battles" to fight it out.  As this interests me very much I was excited to play in one of his games.  Plus any visit with Ed is a tremendously fun time.  The time and effort he puts into his game is amazing.

   The game today was a small section from the Battle of Koniggratz.  The Prussian army of the Elb had to drive through the Saxon Corps and two Austrian divisions to capture three towns.  A small Austrian Corps of a infantry division and artillery battery was available as reinforcement but they had been badly handled in previous actions and were very timid.   I was to command the Saxon/Austrian forces while my friend George commanded the Prussian. Ed acted as umpire and kept the game running smoothly and quickky.

A word on the game itself.    Ed had created a series of cheat sheets for the game which helped me to understand.  Everything you needed were at your finger tips.  In addition small clear counters helped identify who your commands were.  It was all very neat and tidy and helped me understand a set of rules I had never played.  I wish all game masters could be as organized and well set up ad Ed.

I set up my two Austrian divisions on the forward slope of a long ridge.  They were in rifle pits and within range if the bridges over the river.  The Austrian battery had a clear field of fire on either bridge or the ground between. My Saxons were set up in a similar manner. Their artillery battery was near the Austrian one and could add its firepower.


George brought on the Prussian divisions in column.  Afterwards he admitted he should have swung them into line quicker.  That was because my guns decimated one of his divisions while still in column.  Its a learning experience.  Firing in BBB you add up all units firing and go up or down the firing chart BTW.  Took me a turn to remember that and not fire my guns then say I am firing g my rifles.  Its a learning g experience.  

My Austrian division marching in support failed its activation roll and did not move.  This was repeated throughout the game and that division moved not an inch.

  Not wishing to beat his head against my artillery George's Prussian divisions over to flank my position. He had enough troops that they could demonstrate to hold me in my position while side stepping around me.   One part if the rules I have to get used to as the activation roll to move troops.  my out flanked Saxon division refused to leave its rifle pits and failed its roll.  So instead of pulling back I had to bring up my cavalry and a battery to try and rescue them.  I was also funding out how deadly the needle gun was at close range!

At this point with my position being out flanked and one of my infantry divisions being destroyed we called the game.  I think the Prussians would have on as they could move forward and take their objectives and I was out of position to stop them.

All in all it was a great day and a wonderful experience.  The game worked very well and was mist enjoyable.  I think for a truly big battle this system worked well.  Reinforcements, defense in depth can all be utilized better then in a miniatures game.  On the other hand at battalion at tactics and combat resultion work better with minuatures.  The map and blocks were very effective and looked cool.  I am looking forward to playing this again and soon.

Thank you again Ed!  It was an amazing day and a great experience.



  1. Very envious Mark, very envious indeed! I love the BBB ruleset and Ed's Kriegspiel style games appeal to me immensely.

    1. The rules worked very well and were fun to play. It works very well with the blocks and maps.

  2. Do we call you Wilbur from now on? 😁 1866 is a really good period to get into with both sides having different strengths & weaknesses to deal with.

    1. I've always been fascinated by the 1866 war. But not that much to read if you only read English.

      And no, you do not have to call be Wilbur🤔

  3. That looks like a very well executed game.

    1. It was. But a big part was the tremendous effort Ed put into making all the items for the game. It made it fast and effective.

  4. The Fencibles have played a lot of BBB before the pandemic. If you get used to seeing your basic units as brigades or even divisions, it works fine with toy soldiers. We've played Marengo, Gettysburg and Gravelotte-St. Privat with these rules. In each case the whole battle, not just part of it.

    1. I am certainly sold on the rules. They worked very well.

  5. This style of gaming fascinates me as well.

    1. I would check out Ed's blog as he has lots more information to play something like this.

      Also I will be doing g a series of posts about a similar but simpler series of games by Command Post games.

    2. I have been following Ed's series on this with great interest.

  6. Thanks for the kind words, Mark. Sometimes, I'm given a hard time for my game prep, but I think it pays off when players can concentrate on the game and not the game system. As far as the results, it is interesting that in the full up Koniggratz game, the Austrian VIII corps marched to the support of the Saxons and stabilized the flank, whereas in both smaller games of just this sector, they failed to do so. I guess we'll have to have a third game to see if it repeats...

    1. Ed you deserve a lot of credit for all the hard work you put I to the game.

  7. A fantastic way to game! I like BBB and this is inspiring stuff- thanks for sharing.

    1. It was outstanding and I am looking forward to our next game.

  8. A great experience to be able to drop by Eds and try out his BBB in Kriegspiel fashion, Mark. It must have been a fantastic day

  9. A great looking game Mark…
    I love the look and style of Ed’s Blood Big Battles/Kriegspiel setup.

    All the best. Aly
