Sunday, March 13, 2022

Kriegsspiel Brandywine game


 I bought the battalion version of Brandywine called the Kriegsspiel version.  The map is twice as big and they use smaller blocks representing regiments rather then brigades.  You can play this using the Prussian Army 19th century Kriegsspiel rules, or the battalion level Pub Battles rules.  

I am unclear of some of the actual differences in rules interpretation.  I have written to the company and asked about how certain rules actually work.  Once I am better informed I will be write up of a game and how it is different from the Brigade level game.

Until then here is some eye candy of the new maps and counters.


  1. What lovely looking games these are Mark…
    I must admit that I am very tempted…

    All the best. Aly

    1. They really do look good and are a fun set of games to play. Easy to set up and great for those times you want a game but do not have time to set up the miniatures.

  2. Pure eye candy indeed! Looking forward to an AAR/thoughts on the rules as and when you are able.

    1. I am writing it up now. Will probably post about the Germantown game next and the KS Brandywine after that.

  3. The map and counters certainly look good.

  4. Kriegspiel blocks on a map...what's not to love?

    1. I liked this one as it has the looks of your game.
