Thursday, March 24, 2022

Where is Mark?


Fritz wondering Where is Mark?

 On Sunday I had a serious accident at work.  While working on our last flight of the shift I was getting down from a belt loader when my feet slipped on the sand and I went straight down backwards.  I must have blacked out since there were a lot of people around me who are usually not on the ramp.  I was dizzy and light headed and my back and neck were very sore and very disoriented.   I was driven to a major Boston hospital's emergency room and checked out.  After looking me over they said I was good to go.  I was surprised they did no X-Ray.  I went home still feeling dizzy and light headed and tired and sore.  Next mornings Janine called my primary doctor to be checked out as I still did not feel well.  I went there in the afternoon thinking there might be something wrong with my back.  The doctor took one look at my eyes, which had dark rings around them like a raccoon and sent me to get a Cat Scan as well as some X-Ray.

  The results are my back will be fine and no damage.   But I have a concussion and a skull fracture.  I must have hit my head on the ramp.  There is no bleeding which is really good. I am scheduled for follow up exams and to see a neurosurgeon.  Its not good, but it could be a lot worse.

I am not sure what the next four to eight weeks (recovery time) will be like.  I am tired and am resting and sleeping a lot.  While I can read I am told not to do so for long periods.  Like thirty minutes at a time.  Definitely no major physical activity.   I have more of a pressure at times in my head, sometimes a dullness.  And its a major effort to do anything.  This post took a couple days to write.  The picture above is our Yorkie Fritz.  While I was in the emergency room (it was many hours)  he kept going to the stairs looking for me to come home.  This is where he great me when I come home.

   I may not be posting regularly, or answering any replies in a timely manner.  In fact my blogging over the next month will be irregular.   I will post when I can.  I am still here but a bit preoccupied.


  1. Sorry to hear about your accident Mark, rest up and you'll be back on your feet before you know it.

  2. That sounds like a pretty serious incident Mark and shows how careful we need to be at work - we all know (from rugby/football players if nowhere else) how debilitating a concussion can be. Your online contributions will be missed but hopefully you will still be able to make the odd comment here and there. I guess painting/model construction/gaming may be too much of a strain at the moment too - which is a double blow when you are obviously in for a period of enforced time off work. Take care and best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

  3. Yikes! What a freak accident. Best wishes for a quick recovery.

  4. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  5. Understand that you might not reply (matter of fact, don't try)...but disturbed to hear of your accident and wishing the best for a full recovery.

  6. Mark wishing you a speedy recovery and the best of results, taking the necessary time to properly recuperate is your priority. Fritz is a cutie.

  7. Hope you recover fully and quickly Mark, but take it easy and rest til you do.

  8. Take care, rest , recover. We will be awaiting updates when and if they are posted.

  9. Fingers crossed for you Mark and I hope you make a full and speedy recovery. I'm amazed they didn't x-ray you when you were first taken to hospital! Thankfully your Doctor sorted things out the next day.

  10. Hope you are on the mend soon , take it easy now , all the best Tony

  11. It’s God’s way of telling you you should retire 😉. Rest up & get well soon!

  12. Wow, bad news. At ease, rest up and mend well. Catch up on your sleep.

  13. Ouch!
    Take it easy Mark… the toys soldiers aren’t going anywhere.
    And no more competitive break dancing.

    All the best. Aly

  14. Rest up, recoup and do some daydreaming of battles to come. You’ve been very lucky so make sure you take your time to recover fully

  15. Thank you all very much. These have cheered me up greatly and I appreciate all of you taking the time to write. Although still sleeping a lot I am slowly feeling better. My mobility is limited by dizzyness if I am up too long.
