Saturday, March 19, 2022

Visitors in my yard


  Its winter in the north east and not much happening g outside.  Most people and creatures are snuggled inside where its warm.  But imagine my surprise when I looked outside and saw these creatures.

There are four of these dear that are in the woods around our neighborhood.  I usually see them in the early morning (3:00 A.M.) on the way to work.  But as of late we are seeing them in the day light. In the summer and fall we have a flock of turkeys.  And there is a fox but I have get to get A picture.  Some of the neighbors have mentioned a bear  but I have yet to see it outside pictures.


For those interested in the Bear I mentioned here is a news clip I found on Youtube.  No, it not in my back yard but at least you get to see the fellow!


  1. Very cool, a buddy of mine recently walked into his garage - he had parked his car on the driveway and left the garage door open - when he came face to face with a big buck inside! It just looked at him and he quickly vacated the place. The deer then raced on out and into the trees of his back yard.

    Pity you can't recruit one or the other for a game. :)

  2. I get them occasionally in my yard as well. I'm sure after this winter they're looking for some forage.

  3. I really enjoyed your pictures today. I do hope you get one of the bear for us to see…

  4. Great to have "real" wildlife New Zealand has NO native mammals, we don't have much in the way of wildlife...although there are deer as they are amongst the many introduced species....nine around where we live though...the best I can do is the occasional hedgehog on my late night dog walking missions! You should put out some carrots, like our kids used to do for Santas reindeer!

    1. That would be NONE rather than nine - for all I know, there ARE nine deer within a mile of our house...but I cant confirm it!

  5. Well we get deer around here, but not in the gardens, nor as big either. Luckily Spring has sprung here and we should get temperatures in the low 60's Fahrenheit and bright sunshine, which is unusual for this time of year.
