Sunday, January 3, 2021
Princeton 3 January 1777: setting the stage.
Friday, January 1, 2021
Projects for 2021
So, what do I have planned for 2021? A full slate of activities that's what. Too much time to plan and organize for the new campaign season.
Games: I am looking forward to playing much more then painting for once in my life. Perhaps two games a month would be reasonable. If this dreaded covid passes and we get back to in person gaming I am all in and cannot wait. What games am I planning? Here they are!
*fight first and second trenton
* fight Princeton
*fight Pell's point
*fight Harlem heights
* fight Cowpens-Guilford Courthouse campaign
* fight Lundys lane
*fight game based on Stoney Creek
*fight game based on Chrysler farm
* do at least three Crimean war battles
* Break out and Play wings of war WW1 planes
Terrain: while I am mostly happy with my terrain I have a few improvements I want to work on.
* More buildings so I can fight Trenton. There are a number of the MDF type buildings that would work.
*Finish my hills and ridges. Paint and flock them.
*Swampy terrain. Need something for Francis Marion to ride out of!
*New farm fields. Add crops and veggies in the field. Perhaps fenced in wheat?
*Base trees for better woods. I think woods look better with a few trees on bases. I will still have a few individually mounted trees but I think groups on a base look better.
* More wooden fences. Rail and post and beam types. You can never have too many feet of fencing!
*A winter game mat?
Painting: One change is much less painting. I am kinda burned out painting big battalions after last year. I do have a couple of projects I would like to do; and a couple of special units.
*Rev War add Provincial Iight infantry battalion, The Camden light infantry bn. (Made up from a company from the 16th Regiment, the Prince of Wales American Regiment and the 71st light companies), 17th company (created from recruits and draft after the 17th regiment was captured st Stoney Point), more militia ( always handy to have and could fight on either side) and south Carolina Continentals. Fife and Drum miniature will be releasing Brunswickers thus year for Saratoga and I might just have to add these as well as possible more British in Saratoga kit.
* Rebase my mounted command stands. I would prefer b them to be on round bases much like my new artillery stands.
Fun project that might start
* Hunting Moby Dick! Doing figures and terrain for the Moby Dick whale hunt game! Saw it at Cold Wars one year and have always wanted to do this game. Eureka whale boats, dice movement whale, sharks! Could be great fun! Anyone know where I can get the figure if the whale from?
Lastly, I am determined to get out and exercise and stay healthy. I and Janine have been doing a lot of walking. Usually 2 to 5 miles most days. In the summer we had a beautiful lake we went to a couple times a week to kayak on. We need to keep this up.
This time last year when we returned from Hawaii I was depressed looking at pictures of myself. I have never been a light weight, more the line backer type. But my weight was getting out of hand. So I started Weight Watchers and changed my eating habits. More fruits and veggies, cut down in carbs, drink lots of water. I am happy to report I am still with the program and have lost over 70 pounds. I am feeling much better and goung to continue this through the new year.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
The Courier! And a New Year
Usually at this time of year it is traditional to do a wrap up of the years events. But since 2020 has been such a depressing event I will ignore this tradition and instead share with you all some good news that happened the other day.
At the end of this most unusual year I got a most unexpected present. Dave Mesquita, from my wargame club "The Northern Conspiracy" let me know that he put together a collection of the original "Couriers" for me. He and Bruce Weeks had been working on a digital editions of them, and he had a collection of extras. Knowing my interest in them he let me know and I picked them them up on Wednesday at his house (in a socially distant way). After a conversation I was on my way home.
I have mentioned before this was the publication that got me into this wonderful hobby. So flipping through it is a time machine transporting me back to a younger time in the 1970's. Its interesting looking at how we once did our hobby and how things once looked. It is also fun rereading the columns that inspired me long ago and finding columns I missed! There is a Rev War tactical battle problem by Steve Haller I had not seen before that looks like a very fun game. And an old friend Matt Fallon has an article on how to make a 18th century camp including tents, wall tents and bell of arms which should brighten up my table. I had also forgotten that both Matt and Scott Lesch had done cover illustrations for the Courier. So many surprises and so many memories. A wonder way to end this year and inspire me going into the new year!
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Cover by Matt Fallon. |
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Cover by Scott Lesch. |
To all my friends in the hobby and out in the blogging world I wish you all a most Happy New Years hoping the next year is better and brighter for us all! Thank you all again for reading my blog and for brightening this year .
(And for the very sharp eyed individuals who noticed yes that is a Reading premium beer can in the background!)
Friday, December 25, 2020
The Aftermath of the Battle of Trenton
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The Battle of Trenton by H. Charles McBarron from Wikipedia |
December 26, 1776 the Battle of Trenton.
One of, to me the most fascinating and dramatic battles of the American Revolution. And one which I hope to recreate one day if I build enough houses! But as it is the anniversary and I traditionally stay up reading a book or two about it I thought I might share this quote from the book " The Day is Ours" by Glenn Dwyer about the aftermath. John Greenwood was a fifer in the American Continental army. Originally from Boston he had moved to Portsmouth Maine just before the Revolution. His book, The Revolutionary Services of John Greenwood 1775 -1783 is a most interesting read. Elisha Bostwick served in a Connecticut regiment of the Continental army.
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Hessian Fusilier cap at the Smithsonian. |
"On the way to the boats, Greenwood continued, "seeing some of our men were much pleased with the brass caps which they had taken from the dead Hessians, our prisoners, who were besides exceedingly frightened, pulled off those they were wearing and, giving them away, put on the hats which they carried tied behind their packs. With these brass caps on, it was laughable to see how our soldiers would strut-fellows with their elbows out and some without a collar to their half-a-shirt, no shoes, etc." It was also laughable, according to Lieutenant Elisha Bostwick, to see some of the Hessians springing up and down in the boats with their long plaits flying. The men poling the boats across the river found the job difficult because of ice forming on the walkways. So, Bostwick noted, "the boatmen, to clear off the ice, pounded the boats and, stamping their feet, beckoned the prisoners to do the same, and they all set to jumping at once with their cues flying up and down . . . sticking straight back like the handle of an iron skillet." Greenwood and the rest of his company crossed the river themselves selves after the Hessians had all been carried over. Most of the company flaunted Hessian swords, headgear, or other mementos of battle, but all of them were without their packs-the ones they had piled by a roadside before entering Trenton. "As we never went back that way," Greenwood would recall, "we all lost our packs. At least I never heard anything of mine, and I had in it a beautiful suit of blue clothes, turned up with white and silver laced." Greenwood and the others in his unit were back at the Newtown encampment late in the afternoon, after being on the move for more than twenty-four hours. Some of Washington's other Continentals would not reach their encampments until late the following day, having been gone for fifty hours or more. Some, upon their return, took time to note the day's doings in a diary. David How, an eighteen-year-old from Massachusetts, summed things up with his usual Yankee succinctness: "This morning at 4 o'clock we set off with our field pieces. Marched 8 miles to Trenton"
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Merry Chrismas
We got together for Christmas in a most 2020 Covid way!
Janine and I have for the most part stayed home up to now, due to her medical preconditions. Alexandra has also been staying low and has had to have two medical operations this year. Nathaniel has been at work at a new job and a new apartment so has been very busy. We have seen few people and when we have it has been at a social distance and with masks. But we all wanted to get together for Christmas. How to work this out? The idea struck us to have a Christmas get together based on a old add from L.L. Beans that said be an Outsiders. So outside we went.
Janine got up early and baked and cooked. Apple cider donuts, mulled cider, bread and beef stew. I was outside Clearing snow and setting up a fire pit on the driveway. I placed a number of brick blocks as a base and brought the fire grate across the snow. After clearing it out I gathered wood and prepared a fire. We set up chairs and a table for the food and soon Alex and Nathan arrived and a most wonderful time it was!
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Nathaniel |
A most Merry Christmas to all my friends in the blogging world. I thank you all for the joy and happiness you have brought to me during this most unusual year. I have learned much from all of you and been unspired by all of you. And most importantly each of you has made this a better year and a better experience for me. And for that I am most grateful to each and everyone of you.
A most Merry Christmas to you all And here is hoping for a better new year. Thank you all.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Some light painting
I needed a break from painting historical miniatures and research. Digging around the boxes of old figures I would do "sometime" I found these. Eureka miniatures dud a series if teddy bears in 18th century uniforms. I think I'm picked tum up at an long ago Cold Wars or Historicon on a whim. Just the thing to paint for the holiday season and waiting to dig out after a snow storm.
Now back to researching the Provincial Light Infantry battalion and the 17th company of the 17th Regiment of Foot and their misadventures in South Carolina 1781.
Monday, December 14, 2020
The Flag of Lee's Legion 1781
In my previous posting about Lee's Legion I mentioned I was not sure about the documentation of the Legion's flag. Here is as much as I could pull together about that flag.
The present flag that is associated with Lee's Legion is owned by Stafford Hall, the home of the Lee's of Virginia. It was purchased through the Robert E. Lee Memorial Foundation in 1947 from Francis Bannerman and sons. The flag itself is made of silk and is 2' 4" wide by 4' 11" long. Shortly after it was acquired for Stafford Hall the flag was folded, mounted and sealed in a case measuring 26" x 26" by the National Archives in 1948. It was remounted in 1983 for exhibition and placed on display. In 2009 it was removed from display for preservation reasons. Due to exposure to light the the textile colors were fading and there was some deteriorating of the fabric.
The flag is of tan or brown material with a brown horses head and light tan main in the center. The white scrolling has a medium blue center with the words "U.S. Light Dragons." The wording used is very curious as that term was not used by the United States military until the 1790's and the War of 1812. Since there is no history of where the flag came from before Bannerman sold it it might have been a militia flag from that time period. In addition there us no mention of this flag in Richardson's book, "Standards and Colors of the American Revolution."
Since the documentation for this flag is so poor I do not intend to use it for my miniature regiment.
The conclusion is my opinion only and I leave it up to each individual if they wish to add it to there miniature regiment. Often there is so much we do not know and too much information lost that all we can do is come up with a best guess for what we do. Hence my habit of presenting what I know or have found out and make my best guess based on that.
Bibliography and links to where to fund it:
The owners of the flag with some background on it:
The Son's of the Revolution of the Commonwealth of Virginia site with a illustration of the flag:
For much more about the Legion:
Sherman, William T. "Lee's Legion Remembered."